Daughters of Abraham

The Daughters of Abraham is an interfaith book group consisting of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim women. Its mission is to overcome stereotypes and to foster mutual respect and understanding among Jewish, Christian, and Muslim women.

The first group was founded in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2002. Subsequent groups formed in Cambridge, Newton, Massachusetts, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts (at Boston College), and Washington, DC. Media coverage in 2006 aroused interest in forming additional new groups around the country.



The purpose is to increase respect for all of the Abrahamic religions by reading books that teach about each other's faith traditions and learn from each other about the practice of our respective faiths. The group members are committed to building relationships with each other. Daughters of Abraham is not a dialogue group, but a book group focused on discussions of books that explore our the three faith traditions.


Any Jewish, Christian or Muslim woman who shares the Daughters' purpose and mission is welcome to join.


The Daughters of Abraham was the inspiration of Edie Howe. She attended an interfaith service on the evening of September 11, 2001 and sat with Jewish, Christian and Muslim women. Looking around, she wondered what she could do to respond to the tragic events of that day. She decided to form a book group of women from the three Abrahamic faiths. This first group has been meeting continuously since September 2002.

The name "Daughters of Abraham"

This name emphasizes the common elements that unite us. In all three of the religious traditions, Abraham is revered as the first monotheist. In this sense, he is the "father" and the members can be thought of as his "daughters." Even though they are "daughters" of different "mothers," Sarah and Hagar, Abraham is the father of all three religions. By naming themselves Abraham's daughters, the group members are saying that there is more holding them together than separating them.


Some groups choose to meet in the same space every month at the same time. Groups try to select a space that is non-sectarian, comfortable and easily accessible by public transportation. Group members agree to listen and speak respectfully to one another, not to monopolize the conversation, and to speak from personal experience, rather than making sweeping statements. Members suggest books at the meetings. Periodically, they review all the suggestions, then by consensus, choose the books that will be read. If anyone strongly objects to reading a particular book, it is not read.

Media coverage of the Daughters of Abraham

Christian Science Monitor (November 2005)

External links